Sunday 9 September 2012

Is it Possible to Escape the Harsh Outcomes of a Defaulted student Loan?

Do you know the consequences once your credit score falls drastically and your credit card facilities are all seized? Once these happen, you might lose your professional image and might even face legal actions. Well, a student loan defaulter is bound to meet all these unpleasant consequences if he fails to make his repayments within the delinquency period. Every loan borrower is provided a maximum time limit of 270 days exceeding which his loan status gets defaulted. Once done, the defaulter will start facing such unpleasant consequences that can bring stains on his work record.

If you are the student loan defaulter, your loan lender will immediately transfer your case to the collection agency. Once it’s done, the following actions might be taken against you:
  • Personal accounts will all be closed
  • Loan applications will be rejected
  • Credit card facilities will be stopped
  • All paychecks will be garnished
  • Tax returns will be withheld to pay off your unpaid debts
  • Credit score will drop
If the above consequences keep coming one after another, you might even end up getting bankrupt. Well, the good news is that there is still a great solution that can keep you miles from falling into danger. Without any further thought, just talk to your lender. With his help and cooperation only, you can only normalize your loan account. The more you delay to clear off your dues, the tougher it will get to come out of legal complications.

Just keep in mind a few points:
  • Be honest to your lender. Tell him the truth as how you actually ended up as a loan defaulter.
  • Show necessary documents proving that you are incapable of making repayments.
  • Take help and suggestions from him. He will let you know about the best policy you can opt for getting rid of the defaulted student loan consequences.


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